
Open Source Software from a Digital Design Studio


Android Intent Stub

Android Intent Stub

for Automated Testing on Android

An app for stubbing out built in Android apps for automated testing. Set these apps as default for completing tasks that rely on external apps.

EasyAdapter Library

EasyAdapter Library

for Android

Using AdapterViews has never been so easy. Inspired by the view holder design pattern, this library provides an easier way of linking AdapterViews and the underlying data for that view without having to implement your own Adapter. The EasyAdapter will do the tedious work for you.

Android Import Plugin

Android Import Plugin

for Sublime Text 2/3

A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin which automatically deals with imports from the Android SDK. When the command is run it will parse the current file and create a list of the Android classes which have been used. It will then automatically add the necessary imports at the top of the file.